Andrea Rispoli

New Release


Three Boys and the Power of Determination

Do not succumb to difficulties, confront challenges as if they were balls in play (Dig), refine your strategy to overcome them (Set), and strike with your determination (Spike). Become the champion of your own life!

Dig Set Spike cover book - volleyball book motivational for teeneagers


Just as they were about to leave the park, it started pouring rain. The man who was watching the game approached them and, without hesitation, opened a large umbrella and invited them to take shelter under it. The boys looked at him with surprise, but then accepted his offer. As they walked together under the umbrella, the man began to talk to them about the game. The three of them realized that he knew the game of volleyball very well and asked him if he was a coach or a former player. But he smiled and didn’t answer, leaving the boys even more curious. When they arrived at the bus stop, the man said goodbye and walked away, leaving them once again wondering who he really was.

Shortly afterwards, the three companions realized that the man had not completely left, instead he had stopped a few meters away and was observing them. When the bus arrived, the boys got on board and sat down, but noticed that he was still outside, holding flyers in his hands. Before the bus departed, he approached the window and handed each of them a flyer, inviting them to a free training session at a sports facility in the city.

The three looked at each other in surprise, then looked at the flyer and noticed that there was a date and time written on it. At that moment, the bus started moving and as they looked through the window, they saw the man waving goodbye before disappearing into the rain.

Dig Set Spike interior book Novel book about volleyball and motivational for teenagers



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He discovered his passion for writing since he was a child, and at the age of only 15 he invented his first comic book, even though he never published it. Growing up, he wrote intriguing and surprising medieval fantasy stories that fascinated him since he was young. He expanded his creative interests by inventing television stories and formats, also becoming a TV author.

He studied various programming languages and design, demonstrating his passion for technology. He wrote the book “Dig – Set – Spike” at the request of three young volleyball enthusiasts, with the goal of making them a gift for the future and conveying an important message: with commitment, everything is possible.

However, his passion for writing goes beyond just creating books, as reading and writing have always been a fundamental part of his life. Currently, he is working on new projects and considers himself passionate about the psychology of human behavior and history, with a particular interest in unresolved ancient archaeological mysteries. Additionally, he doesn’t disdain a good coffee and a tasty pizza.

The night before the training session, they prepared everything they needed for volleyball and couldn't sleep well due to excitement. But who was that kind man?

... The Coach!
Dig Set Spike interior book Novel book about volleyball and motivational for teenagers